Throughout my professional trajectory, I have always been involved in incredible tourism projects, always with the best partners.
I share here some of these works that are part of my history.
Sebrae holds the 1st Business Meeting on Experiential travel in Maranhão
- One lecture on entrepreneurship in the area of experiential, responsible and community based tourism
- 8 hours of mentoring for entrepreneurs in the tourism sector made possible by SEBRAE
Consultora Especialista de Turismo de Base Comunitária do Consórcio Nippon Koei Lac/Ruschmann Consultores de Turismo (2019-2020)
Project Development of Community Based Tourism (CBT) in Traditional Quilombola Communities – Diagnosis of the Coverage Area and Community Based Tourism Enterprises, CBT strengthening and improvement workshops and organization of the exchange of knowledge and experiences between the Quilombola communities of Jalapão and of Vale do Ribeira/São Paulo.
C&A Institute Consultant (2019)
Design and execution of an exchange trip with volunteers together with the community of Uirapura, Nova Russas/Ceará – January to June/2019
Consultant for 360 Tourism Consulting (2019)
Implementation of course on design of tourist experiences in the project: Tourism Development in São Gonçalo do Abaeté/Minas Gerais August/2019
Guest Lecturer at SENAC São Paulo (2018)
Classes in Management and Implementation of a Travel Agency and Travel Agents.
IABS Consultant – Brazilian Institute of Development and Sustainability São Paulo (2018)
Tourism Promotion and Sustainability Project in the municipalities of Passa and Fica, Serra de São Bento and Monte das Gameleiras/Rio Grande do Norte – Consultancy in tourism and business qualification with a focus on holding a Business Meeting / Fam tour involving local entrepreneurs and regional and national operators. From April to August/2018
Consultant for 360 Tourism Consulting (2018)
Design and execution of the awareness raising fam tour in the project: Support to Public Tourism Management in the Legado das Águas Reserva Votorantim region (municipalities of Miracatu, Tapiraí and Juquiá/São Paulo) August to October 2018
IABS Consultant – Brazilian Institute of Development and Sustainability São Paulo (2017)
Sustainable Tourism Development Plan for the São Paulo Ecotourism Hub – Specialized technical consultancy to assess the current offer and potential of the destination with recommendations for designing, idealizing and organizing the fam tour with trade and opinion makers in the city of São Paulo. From January to May/2017
SENAC São Paulo Consultant (2017)
Development of the course “Design of Tourist Experiences”
Founder of Vivejar (2016)
A social business creating positive impacts that promotes rural and urban community experiences and significant local connections, bringing realities closer and empowering women in Brazil through responsible tourism. Operating and/or selling 7 different experiences in the states of Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Pará and Amazonas, Vivejar is a certified B company that measures and reports its impact. Since May/2016
Consultancy for SEBRAE São Paulo (2015)
Consultancy in the design stage of the Sergipe Rural Tourism Development Project, in the municipalities of Itaporanga D’Ajuda, Indiaroba, Estancia and Santa Luzi do Itanhy. October 2015
Consultancy for Toyota Brazil (2014)
Review of the strategic planning of FREPESP – Federation of Ecological Reserves of the State of São Paulo. September/2014.
Consultancy for FREPESP (2014)
Revisão do planejamento estratégico da FREPESP – Federação das Reservas Ecológicas do Estado de São Paulo. Setembro/2014.
Consultancy for Rede Cananéia (2014)
Consultancy in the management of tourism products and services for Rede Cananéia (community-based tourism), São Paulo. October/2014
Consultancy for the Brazilian Toyota Foundation (2014)
Creation and implementation of the Sustainability Plan for Instituto Arara Azul, contracted by the Brazilian Toyota Foundation
Organization and Facilitation of the ABETA Summit (2014)
Brazilian Congress of Ecotourism and Adventure Tourism
Organization and Facilitation of the ABETA Summit (2013)
Brazilian Congress of Ecotourism and Adventure Tourism
Consultancy for TAM Airlines and Brennand Cimentos (2013)
Consultancy in Association building for the ArteCarste Project, a project for the Tourist Circuit of the Caves, financed by TAM Airlines and Brennand Cimentos. April 2013
Consultancy for the Brazilian Toyota Foundation (2013)
Creation and implementation of the Sustainability Plan for the Arara Azul Institute, contracted by the Brazilian Toyota Foundation
Executive Coordinator of the Bike Alliance – Brazilian Association of the Bicycle Industry (2009-2013)
Structuring, formalization, planning and executive management. Project management. Creation, planning and execution of the 1st and 2nd editions of the Brazil Bicycle Fair, the largest trade fair in the bicycle market in Latin America, arranged to be the main source of income for the entity and its projects.
Preparation of a Case Study for SEBRAE National (2012)
Project “Promotion of Tourism in National Parks”
Implementation of experiential and community based trips (2012)
For the ceramist communities of Coqueiro Campo and Campo Alegre, in the municipalities of Turmalina and Minas Novas (Minas Gerais)
Consultancy for Nomad (2011)
Project for Strengthening the Gastronomic and Tourism Sector of Piquete (São Paulo). January to March/2011
Consultancy for MTur and the Marca Brazil Institute (2011)
Consultancy for Project Management and Destination Planning – workshops in São Miguel das Missões (Rio Grande do Sul), Piranhas and Marechal Deodoro (Alagoas). Partnership between MTur and the Marca Brazil Institute. March/2011.
Consultancy in processes for BRAZTOA – Brazilian Association of Tour Operators (2009-2010)
Organizational restructuring Braztoa – Brazilian Association of Tour Operators
Consultancy for NOMAD (2009-2010)
Management of content generation for distance education courses for Product Improvement and Market Access of the Aventura Segura Program – Agreement between ABETA, MTur and SEBRAE National.
Consultancy for BRAZTOA (2010)
Elaboration of the “Bem receber Copa” Project
Diagnosis and awareness-raising of the agreement between MTur and Artesanato Solidário (2010)
Community Based Tourism – In the Community of Aritapera/ Santarém – Pará.
Co-founder of the social business “Raízes Artesanato” (2009-2011)
A social business for the online sale of handicrafts from traditional communities in Northern Minas, Vale do Jequitinhonha (Minas Gerais). Community mapping and diagnosis; product choice and distribution strategy; promotion of products with a focus on valuing communities and traditional production techniques and marketing with a focus on fair trade principles.
Communication Consultancy for BRAZTOA (2009)
Brazilian Association of Tour Operators (BRAZTOA) – Interface and Content generation
Tourism and Communication Consultancy for Seishin (2009)
National Promotion and Commercialization Program / New branding of Nature Tourism – Partnership with the Ministry of Tourism (MTur).
ABETA Communication and Articulation Coordinator (2006-2009)
Coordination of communication and articulation of the Aventura Segura Program, a partnership between the Ministry of Tourism, SEBRAE National and ABETA. Coordination of the “Conscious Consumption of Adventure Tourism” campaign. Mobilization, articulation and communication of the actions to implement the Aventura Segura Program among entrepreneurs, local actors, the Ministry of Tourism, National SEBRAE, press, public and private organizations of the national tourist trade. Networking and relationship building with ABETA members, going from 50 to more than 220 associated companies. Mobilization of 10 regional ABETA commissions.
Co-founder of the social business “Raízes Sustainable Development” ( until 2015)
A social business that generates transforming solutions for sustainable development through tourism projects, income generation and strategies for the third sector. From September/2006 to December/2015.
ABETA Communication and Articulation Coordinator (2006-2009)
Coordination of communication and articulation of the Aventura Segura Program, a partnership between the Ministry of Tourism, SEBRAE National and ABETA. Coordination of the “Conscious Consumption of Adventure Tourism” campaign. Mobilization, articulation and communication of the actions to implement the Aventura Segura Program among entrepreneurs, local actors, the Ministry of Tourism, National SEBRAE, press, public and private organizations of the national tourist trade. Networking and relationship building with ABETA members, going from 50 to more than 220 associated companies. Mobilization of 10 regional ABETA commissions.
Co-founder of the social business “Raízes Sustainable Development” (until 2015)
A social business that generates transforming solutions for sustainable development through tourism projects, income generation and strategies for the third sector. From September/2006 to December/2015.
ABETA Communication and Articulation Coordinator (2006-2009)
Coordination of communication and articulation of the Aventura Segura Program, a partnership between the Ministry of Tourism, SEBRAE National and ABETA. Coordination of the “Conscious Consumption of Adventure Tourism” campaign. Mobilization, articulation and communication of the actions to implement the Aventura Segura Program among entrepreneurs, local actors, the Ministry of Tourism, National SEBRAE, press, public and private organizations of the national tourist trade. Networking and relationship building with ABETA members, going from 50 to more than 220 associated companies. Mobilization of 10 regional ABETA commissions.
Co-founder of the social business “Raízes Sustainable Development” (until 2015)
A social business that generates transforming solutions for sustainable development through tourism projects, income generation and strategies for the third sector. From September/2006 to December/2015.
Executive Coordinator of ABETA – Brazilian Association of Ecotourism and Adventure Tourism Operators (2006)
Administrative management of the association’s main processes: project execution, recruitment of members and supervision; support in the design and implementation of internal processes, support to bidding processes and monitoring of management tools; support in the management of technical projects, following physical and financial schedules